วันศุกร์ที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

The Discus

The Discus is in reality a large cichlid around the Amazon River within Brazilian. Discus and it is variants were initially defined in 1840 by Dr. Heckel as Symphysodon discus, that name is now being used to the Heckel discus variant. Discus fit in with the genus Symphysodon, which today contains 3 species: Symphysodon aequifasciatus (the hole discus), Symphysodon haraldi (the blue/brown/common discus) and Symphysodon discus (the Heckel discus). The Discus is common as aquarium fish and aquaculture in many countries in Asia is really a major industry which enables the funding for research and also the developing on Quality, Color and other strains of Discus Aquarium Fish. Nowaday Discus have several Color type and strains you can go for your tank The discus is really a social fish and resides in large groups within their native waters, and contains an extremely advanced social behaviour; they're mostly of the real schooling cichlids. Be sure remember this when starting maintain discus; always obtain a gang of animals. They require the social interaction to formulate their character to its best potential.


