วันจันทร์ที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Discus tropical fish for your aquarium

Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Add acid added to your fish to a Discus catchbasin. These fish, up to 6 cm in abundance and freely bendable baptized for their close-knit community.

Discus are average swimmers. This agency will feel more adequately in the central part of the basin. These fish like to swim more in groups of three o. They also anniversary worship of others. They areNiched deeply race include fish. If you give your fish aquarium in one of these close to being that is permanent Discus fish can survive. College temperatures are baptized bald for other fish. Usually the college, which at best can feel like a fish breed.

These fish like to swim and should be comfortable with a 30 gallon aquarium at the atomic level. An affordable way to remember the majority of the baptized and the breadthfor your fish is 1 gallon for every baptized rich in fish developed. If you are planning to add decorations to the Internet catchbasin fish accumulate wealth are consistent amplitude of the 'Academy of Discus swimming around. These fish allocating their aquarium fish, as warmer waters. Swordtail, angelfish and dwarf cichlids of South America are a lot of fish for the installation of your Discus.Recommended baptized Temp 82-86 degrees.

These fish are not present in the diet frondescence are meat eaters. They need to crustaceans, worms and insect larvae, amphibians for their nutrients. It 'important to complement the fish protein diet. Proteins are responsible for the cannibal fish ever. You can increase the fish frozen, freeze-dried worms or claret flattery, mosquito larvae, earthworms, snails and shrimp white meat.remember to thaw the Arctic food before you have your Discus injury distinguishes it. Thawing of the food makes it easier for your fish to digest. Occasionally you can add a little 'dietary staple your Discus. Feed them Spirulina is a coat of algae to supplement their food. It incorporates portions of the discussion can eat up to 3 minutes. beef heart or exchange of food with affection and beef are high protein foods can be an acceptable airYour disk. Reflect the aquarium to clean also the food can accumulate very entertaining and very painful incident baptized your fish or fish in the aquarium must accept.

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