วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fish Tank Stands - How Heavy is Your Aquarium?

Although many of the BiOrb tanks are manufactured in order to be placed directly on your existing furniture, it is often a good idea to check the total weight of your aquarium before you buy. Aquarium filled with water, decorations and fish are simply difficult.

However, not all furniture is built to carry the burden of a full aquarium. Fish tank stands offer an alternative to aquarium directly on furniture.

But how can you calculatethe weight of your aquarium before buying?

The rule is to add 8 pounds for every gallon of water and the dry weight of your aquarium and decorations. So find out if you are a BiOrb 60 16 gallon tank and try to see if your old Ikea chest of drawers can bear the weight, multiply the 16 gallons of 8 and then add the dry weight of the aquarium and decorations. Let's say your BiOrb tank and decorations weigh 25 pounds dry. The calculation would be as follows:

16Gallons x 8kg = 128lbs + 153lbs = 25kg

That's right ... 153 pounds! That is a lot of weight. Either you need a very sturdy piece of furniture to take the load, or you should see are in an aquarium.

BiOrb Fish Tank Stand

BiOrb make a stand, which is specifically designed to handle the weight of the BiOrb or BiUbe tank. And the good news that lives up to the design standards of his cousins aquarium.

The aquarium has a booth completely cylindrical structure with two rear compartments that your electrical wiring can not take it so to hide from the overall design.

The tank will be built to any support or BiUbe BiOrb aquariums. Installation and setup are easy. BiOrb used only six screws to hold together the aquarium stand, even if the state ends up being extremely stable. Using the supplied screwdriver comes with the tank BiOrb stand in case you forget where you left your side.

There are a number of other> Aquarium are options there, but if you are one or BiOrb BiUbe fan, you should take a look at the aquarium are taking BiOrb. For many owners BiOrb design is of equal importance to other aspects of the owners of fish. And so an aquarium stand that makes the design aesthetic is important.

Aquarium Stand Safety

Another question, which is buying an aquarium stand earthquake safety. If you live in an area that is often tremor, the BiOrb hasSocket-style may not be the ideal choice for you. In this case, you should stand in an aquarium or other piece of furniture that is substantial enough to bear the weight of the aquarium and provides a surface on which you can look seismic safety measures for protection.

In most cases, earthquake belt, which in the tank, aquarium stand, or furniture and wall safe is the best way to ensure that the tank in a place where an earthquakehits.

Other recommendations, information and reviews of aquariums and fish equipment, visit BiOrb tank reviews.

