วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

African Cichlid Water Changes

Water quality and nutrition are the two keys to keeping healthy with African cichlids. Weather your aquarium replicates the water of Lake Malawi, Tanganyika and Victoria, you must maintain the correct pH and hardness in the course of time. If the water changes are not done properly, they can migrate to a dangerous level over time.

I have always changed 20% or more of the water tanks on a weekly basis. This may be a little more than necessary. I've found that properly clean crushed coralIn my 55-gallon tank, that is, how much of the gravel vacuum removed.

I think my cichlids usually in 55 gallons water tanks and to make changes in increments of 5 gallons. I do the water changes in increments of 5 gallons for the simple addition of the salts again when refilling after cleaning the tank. I also show small marks on the side of my tank for me when I got up from to 10, 15 or 20 gallons of water.

Make these changes, the water you will need a gravel vacuum. I useMine with an attachment that had to make to the water line hooks to the intake. This may, without the faucet attachment, if you are close enough to a door or with a large bucket. I think it is suspended from the tap to the simplest.

Before you can begin to change with the water, you first need to add water into the aquarium. This is very important for you to remove the same proportion of the original salt content, as do water. If you have a lost or two inches of water since the lastTime has changed the water, the salt is now more concentrated than it first. If every week the salt concentration changes by one or two percent, your cichlids Start Looking ragged and eventually die. To avoid this, fill the tank to its "full" state with tap water before each water change. This is more than a couple of gallons, you may want to add a little dechlorinator. At this point the tank wants to acclimate for a few minutes, so that the salt concentration constant, whilethe aquarium.

Having had the tank is filled and the water is to mix a few minutes, it's time to start changing the water. I start at one end of the tank and start sucking the crushed coral I as a substrate in my African cichlid tanks. Be sure to get, and after all that you can. I'm not saying that you smashed a large rock formation that you in your cichlid tank can, but if the rocks and caves are easily moved, it is best to clean under them.You should be able to the gravel in the time it takes to get to one of your marks on the side of the aquarium vacuum. This will depend on how long it has been since the last cleaning, how many fish you receive are the size of the fish and the dietary habits of these fish.

If you are a known quantity of water removed from the aquarium and the substrate is very easy to clean it time for refilling the tanks. First you have to match the faucet's waterTemperature very close to water in the tank. You can only do this by feel. It need not be exactly, but in 5 or 10 degrees of temperature that you set your tank.

I run the tap directly into the aquarium and add the dechlorinator and cichlid salts, as I am the tank. Add enough dechlorinator for the total volume of the container, not just what you have removed. All water must be dechlorinated. After adding the dechlorinator, add the cichlid saltsthe tank fills. If I have removed 20 gallons of a 55 gallon tank, I let a couple of gallons tank and then add the salt for 5 gallons, and repeat that fills the tank. You can with the addition of 10 gallons increments and maintain.

This changes the water in this way, you will notice that remain the pH and water hardness in the course of time constant. I used to check these things after every water change, but learned that I needed to do just that on a monthly basis. By removing water from the sameAs the hardness is added, will be your tank pH and hardness stable.

Tim Montey has kept and bred fish as a hobby and made more than 30 years. Take this hobby as the driving tropical tank with guppies and swordtails as a child hundreds of miles to find just the right discussion ranged from two states to keeping and breeding African cichlids of the last 7 years. Tim has found his African Cichlids pictures on his websitehttp://www.hardwaterfish.com.

